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come as you are approachUPUP+lovewritings

come as you are

A good organizer knows that the fundamentals of base building teaches and guides us to recognize and understand we need all sorts of folks to participate in the change process. Successful organizing needs both the community member who comes to every meeting and takes leadership roles and the…
Rusia Mohiuddin
November 13, 2020
a cataclysm of love UPUP+lovewritings

a cataclysm of love

Humanity needs a mantra. One that we can chant together, that reverberates across the chambers of power in this country and the world. The collective sound of our love and truth that drives out white supremacy from our society, replacing it with the deep knowing that we…
Rusia Mohiuddin
November 7, 2018
meditation is life #30DaysUPLeadership Dev.

meditation is life

Meditation. It’s been like getting to know an old friend who I haven’t seen in awhile. My mind, my body, my spirit, I find sometimes wishes that it was all I did do most days. Alas, like all things, I simply settle for carving out increasing increments…
June 15, 2017

exploring human nature: part 4

what is human nature? by simone devi-jhingoor Human nature as I understand it is this conscious and unconscious need to operate from a place of ego. According to Eckhart Tolle, “ego is a false sense of self”. It is who we think we are: the story and narratives…
simone devi
April 27, 2017

exploring human nature: part 3

human nature by jaritza geigel  It's knowing the difference between wanting you and needing you. That when I feel I need you that's just the loneliness talking telling me to run back to what I used to understand as safety but knowing it will only cause the same…
Jaritza Geigel
January 23, 2017

exploring human nature: part 2

how does change happen in the context of human nature? by elena conte Human nature tends toward suffering because of the illusion of a separate self. This takes on many different forms in small and large ways.  At the same time, the tendency toward suffering is the layer…
elena conte
January 12, 2017

exploring human nature

what is human nature? by rae leiner What is human nature as you understand it? How does change happen in the context of human nature? As I understand it, human nature is a core pattern of behavior that is somewhat developed from early childhood and on going…
rae leiner
January 9, 2017

changing you IS changing the world.

the “I” in “We” approachOrg. Developmentwritings

the “I” in “We”

The “I” In “We” The Need For Personal Growth in Organizational Development By Rusia Mohiuddin originally published in OD Network (Winter 2016 Vol. 47) The focus in traditional organization development (OD) has often concentrated on collective practices, structure, and overall impact of the work based on internal alignment…
August 8, 2016
vomiting rage approachLeadership Dev.UPUP+lovewritings

vomiting rage

In the 5th century, Greek philosopher Democritus, first theorized that atoms are constantly moving. Today, we understand that these building blocks of matter are, in fact, in constant motion and that this activity produces energy. Scientifically, in the most remedial sense, we are made up of atoms…
October 12, 2015
LEO organizer: jaritza geigel LEO

LEO organizer: jaritza geigel

Trusting isn’t easy and to stand here and tell you why working on the conditioned tendencies activity during the LEO retreat is important to me feels like a lot. Initially, the thought of sharing back personal ordeals with colleagues that I didn't really know made me want to run in…
Jaritza Geigel
July 15, 2015

i am… a LEO Organizer!

Partnered with Make the Road NY, last friday marked the celebration + end of Leaders of Embodied Organizing's first 11-week intensive. LEO graduated 14 organizers skilled in the embodied organizing model of community organizing. Developed by the Principle of Universal Partnership, Rusia N. Mohiuddin, the embodied organizing model…
Rusia Mohiuddin
June 29, 2015
jadu mia: magic man UP+lovewritings

jadu mia: magic man

Yesterday marked the 35th death anniversary of the founding father of the Bangladeshi independence struggle, Mashiur Rahman "Jadu Miah", my maternal grandfather. The people are the source of all power. Today, our movements understand & have experienced the kind of power ordinary citizens across the globe can…
Rusia Mohiuddin
May 1, 2014
Jadu Miah: Magic Man Leadership Dev.MEDIA

Jadu Miah: Magic Man

Yesterday marked the 35th death anniversary of the founding father of the Bangladeshi independence struggle, Mashiur Rahman "Jadu Miah", my maternal grandfather. The people are the source of all power. Today, our movements understand & have experienced the kind of power ordinary citizens across the globe can…
Rusia Mohiuddin
March 13, 2014
#30DaysUP #30DaysUPPracticeUP


got superpowers? interested in UP-ing your leadership impact? UP's "mind the gap" video snapshot is on the horizon for release and with it we are bringing the #30DaysUP mediation challenge. It's simple, watch the video, learn how & why meditation can increase your leadership qualities for greater…
Rusia Mohiuddin
March 8, 2014
UP’s Building the Core snapshot videoUP+love

UP’s Building the Core

Rusia Mohiuddin, Principle at Universal Partnership,  has innovated a methodology for embodied leadership that invites participants to explore what values & principles are in their individual, organizational & community's "core". This understanding can lead the way to cultivating the kind of leadership necessary for their social change…
Rusia Mohiuddin
September 11, 2013