CEIO grew out of the life experiences, passions and convictions of founding partners Bill Graustein and Niyonu D. Spann. “Life’s longing for itself,” as expressed by Khalil Gibran in the poem, is the guiding inspiration for all CEIO’s work. Yet Bill and Niyonu realize also that this project “belongs not to them.” CEIO belongs instead to all partnering organizations, to all those who are willing to speak with truth and engage in the practice of conscious co-creation.
Intro to Leaders of Embodied Organizing (LEO) (2015)
Deeper Change (2016)
Organizers Path 18-month Intensive (2016-7)

Mothers On the Move
MOM seeks concrete improvements in the daily lives of our members, even while also addressing the broader policies and root causes of injustice. We fight for a South Bronx and Bronx where future generations have clean air, well-resourced and community-controlled schools, safe streets, green space, and good jobs. MOM is organizing South Bronx and Bronx residents to conserve energy, improve their environmental quality of life and create green jobs through door-to-door tenant education in Behavioral Modification for energy savings and providing training for entry-level green jobs.
- Staff Development
- Organizational Development
- Leadership Coaching
- Executive Coaching
- Database Design + Development
- Website Design + Development
- Intranet Setup

Families United for Racial & Economic Equality
Executive Coaching
somatice leadership development towards effectiveness + excellence
Executive Coaching (2013-4)
Supporting + guiding leadership development of the executive director of FUREE
5-year Strategic Plan
UP's innovative + unique methodology in developing strategic plans.
5-year Strategic Plan (2013)
our methodology looks at the unique historical shaping of each community to truly develop a plan designed for success.
Annual Leadership Retreat
the best retreats are the ones that bring all internal stakeholders together
Annual Leadership Retreat (2012+2013)
working with FUREE is like going home for UP’s principle, Rusia, who was one of the founding directors of the organization. Our commitment to FUREE runs deep.
Organizational Work Planning Training
bringing all leadership bodies together to develop planning skills
Work Planning Training (2014)
training on goal-oriented work planning, both long term + short term to ensure external impact
Leadership Coaching
somatic leadership coaching that considers the full breadth of our leadership
Leadership Coaching (2014)
somatic leadership coaching that transforms from the inside out.
Staff Development Retreat
leadership body development
Staff Development Retreat (2012)
somatic leadership development to design a high impact organizational team
The New York City Labor Collaborative
The New York City Labor Collaborative was an ad hoc grouping of organizations across the city looking to strategically coordinate internal and external impact of their organizations. The NYCLC was made up of Mothers On the Move, La Fuente, El Centro, Taxi Workers Alliance, and Domestic Workers United.
Organizational Development + Annual Planning 3-Day Retreat (2013)
aren’t these organizations off-the-charts awesome?
want to join the list of UP organizations transforming the world by transforming their organizational best practices?