the world is at the feet of the mother

honouring & continuing a lifetime of service Our beloved mother, Monsura “Mukti” Mohiuddin was the eldest daughter of Sabera Rahman & the father of the Bangladeshi Independence Movement, Mashiur “Jadu Miah” Rahman. Her name Mukti means liberation in Bengali. She was a former Member of Parliament who served & fought for poor people both as a…
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 9, 2022
the embody lab

the embodied social justice 60 hr certification program “Without inner change there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.” — REV ANGEL KYODO WILLIAMS Are you ready to herald the awakening of a world ripe to respond to the social justice issues of…
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 9, 2022
a year ago today… Jahajee Sisters: This plenary is from our 2020 Indo-Caribbean Women’s Empowerment Summit, "Building Our Future: Love & Solidarity as the Pathway to Justice" and took place on November 21, 2020. Justice in this Political Moment
Rusia MohiuddinOctober 22, 2021
come as you are

A good organizer knows that the fundamentals of base building teaches and guides us to recognize and understand we need all sorts of folks to participate in the change process. Successful organizing needs both the community member who comes to every meeting and takes leadership roles and the…
Rusia MohiuddinNovember 13, 2020
a cataclysm of love

Humanity needs a mantra. One that we can chant together, that reverberates across the chambers of power in this country and the world. The collective sound of our love and truth that drives out white supremacy from our society, replacing it with the deep knowing that we…
Rusia MohiuddinNovember 7, 2018
strategies for self-care

let there be no more doubt… the white supremacy agenda is in full effect, out in the open, and in our faces. what we all need to recognize is that there are #NoSidelines. while our work seeks to uplift and change the material conditions for ourselves and…
deltaSeptember 5, 2017
meditation is life

Meditation. It’s been like getting to know an old friend who I haven’t seen in awhile. My mind, my body, my spirit, I find sometimes wishes that it was all I did do most days. Alas, like all things, I simply settle for carving out increasing increments…
deltaJune 15, 2017

what is human nature? by simone devi-jhingoor Human nature as I understand it is this conscious and unconscious need to operate from a place of ego. According to Eckhart Tolle, “ego is a false sense of self”. It is who we think we are: the story and narratives…
simone deviApril 27, 2017

human nature by jaritza geigel It's knowing the difference between wanting you and needing you. That when I feel I need you that's just the loneliness talking telling me to run back to what I used to understand as safety but knowing it will only cause the same…
Jaritza GeigelJanuary 23, 2017

how does change happen in the context of human nature? by elena conte Human nature tends toward suffering because of the illusion of a separate self. This takes on many different forms in small and large ways. At the same time, the tendency toward suffering is the layer…
elena conteJanuary 12, 2017

what is human nature? by rae leiner What is human nature as you understand it? How does change happen in the context of human nature? As I understand it, human nature is a core pattern of behavior that is somewhat developed from early childhood and on going…
rae leinerJanuary 9, 2017
belongingness in the age of voldemort

The first known use of the word “belonging” was in 1782 and spoke to an essential human need, both emotionally and physiologically, to be accepted in one’s environment, to be loved and to be able to give love. Belongingness is attributed to being one of the strongest…
deltaNovember 15, 2016
the “I” in “We”

The “I” In “We” The Need For Personal Growth in Organizational Development By Rusia Mohiuddin originally published in OD Network (Winter 2016 Vol. 47) The focus in traditional organization development (OD) has often concentrated on collective practices, structure, and overall impact of the work based on internal alignment…
deltaAugust 8, 2016
vomiting rage

In the 5th century, Greek philosopher Democritus, first theorized that atoms are constantly moving. Today, we understand that these building blocks of matter are, in fact, in constant motion and that this activity produces energy. Scientifically, in the most remedial sense, we are made up of atoms…
deltaOctober 12, 2015
LEO organizer: jaritza geigel
Trusting isn’t easy and to stand here and tell you why working on the conditioned tendencies activity during the LEO retreat is important to me feels like a lot. Initially, the thought of sharing back personal ordeals with colleagues that I didn't really know made me want to run in…
Jaritza GeigelJuly 15, 2015
Partnered with Make the Road NY, last friday marked the celebration + end of Leaders of Embodied Organizing's first 11-week intensive. LEO graduated 14 organizers skilled in the embodied organizing model of community organizing. Developed by the Principle of Universal Partnership, Rusia N. Mohiuddin, the embodied organizing model…
Rusia MohiuddinJune 29, 2015
reboot: reclaiming inner power from burnout
you know how we do... we keep a pulse on what is happening with organizers + social change agents + we constantly assess what we are doing + what we can be doing to serve our community through our work. all too often, we hear + see how…
Rusia MohiuddinFebruary 26, 2015
#30DaysUP: love must be one + two at the same time

#30DaysUP day 38: love must be one + two at the same time having one of those moments… one in which I have known something for so long and yet find it remarkably revelatory when applied to something new or seen with a new lens. i forever…
Rusia MohiuddinFebruary 23, 2015
#30DaysUP day 27: fleeting moments

from my practice journal: did i really just say i hate my life? yet another way i create suffering in my life… letting myself become overwhelmed by superficially bad moments that i can make fleeting. of course, i don’t hate my life. had a shitty day or…
Rusia MohiuddinFebruary 3, 2015
#30DaysUP Day 22: un-f*@&ing-apologetic

#30DaysUP Day 22: un-fucking-apologetic pardon the profanity but it’s necessary to exorcise the demon of perpetual apologies. maria asked why am i apologizing? is it necessary? aren’t just claiming what’s right for you? who + what are you apologizing to + for? well, gangsta… def a doable…
Rusia MohiuddinJanuary 28, 2015
UWD Leadership “I Can’t Breathe”
every time I am with + leave these young warriors, chants stay singing in my head, reverberating in my heart, + i fill my space with the words that move me so. last year at the uwd congress it was "I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN" +…
Rusia MohiuddinJanuary 27, 2015
#30DaysUP Day 10: agitation is my friend

#30DaysUP Day 10: agitation is my friend so many discoveries leading up to, into, + after my early sit today. typically, i prefer to sit in the evenings but today, something triggered some deep feelings of agitation + I decided to sit early. too many lessons today,…
Rusia MohiuddinJanuary 17, 2015
this awesomeness…
Rusia MohiuddinJanuary 14, 2015
#30DaysUP: forgiveness

day 6... we all can be stank from time to time. regular meditation doesn't erase normal human emotions from your actions but it does offer choices + your ability to chose has more intent than the typical reaction we so often subject ourselves + others to. I…
Rusia MohiuddinJanuary 14, 2015
#30DaysUP: and so it begins…

did you get your sit on today? we have officially launched #30DaysUP with our first day of UP's 30-day meditation challenge! here's my first share: the sweetness of a sit made sweeter by those joining me across the country. so simple, the rise + fall of the belly,…
Rusia MohiuddinJanuary 7, 2015
27 Days of Change: too awesome to pass up!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2015 is here and we all have aspirations for starting our year in alignment with what matters to us. So just in time of for the New Year, we want to let you know about 27 Days of Change. This 27-day online change program was…
Rusia MohiuddinJanuary 2, 2015
Erin Howard: Transformative, Grounded Coaching

I had the honor of being coached by Rusia for 6 months. For 10 years, I have dedicated every aspect of my life to the immigrant rights movement and to efforts focused on educational equity and youth leadership development in Lexington, KY. While my passion drives me,…
Erin HowardDecember 8, 2014
#30DaysUP: a buck fifty a day

snapshot: what's #30DaysUP + what do you get? are you ready to change your life in 60 days? we're ready to take things up a notch in this next round of #30DaysUP! Like, before, we want to challenge + support you to develop superpowers that increase your…
Rusia MohiuddinNovember 17, 2014
#OIS 2015: #freeyourbody
#freeyourbody FEBRUARY 27th-MARCH 1st, 2015 deepen your self-knowledge + unleash your true leadership potential no matter who we are, + what we do, our leadership presence + style is deeply shaped by our environment + our contexts.…
Rusia MohiuddinNovember 7, 2014
#30DaysUP… is back at it again!

we're getting ready to be at it again... transforming leadership from the inside out is what #30DaysUP is all about. our first round was a roaring success with 56 leaders across the country, meditating for 5 minutes EVERY SINGLE DAY. so sweet! this second round, we're taking…
Rusia MohiuddinNovember 4, 2014
a picture tells a thousand words…
...but a picture with words can tell the whole story. #OIS we're going to do all again in the winter of 2015. tell your friends! for more info, please email us at
Rusia MohiuddinOctober 28, 2014
in the deep end for liberation

a beautiful Fall backdrop ushered in the weekend of Oppression In the Soma retreat at Garrison Institute on Friday, September 26th, 2014. it was an amazing retreat, with amazing participants, who dove deep in for self- + collective liberation. over the next few weeks, we will share more…
Rusia MohiuddinOctober 6, 2014
locked in your body + holding you back
#freeyourbody REGISTER NOW! #freeyourbody: unleash your leadership potential 9/26-28/2014 a retreat of exploration + change this is a retreat for anyone, working in any field, who is passionate about social justice. if you have a socio-political lens with which you view + navigate the world, then this retreat…
Rusia MohiuddinAugust 16, 2014
a retreat of exploration + change

when we think about our leadership in the context of the socio, political, economical, + environmental landscapes, we inevitably come up against the deeply embedded ways in which systems of oppression continually shape who + how we are in the world. this retreat aims to explore, with…
Rusia MohiuddinJuly 14, 2014
ypp: the sum of us is courage personified

click to watch on mobile device it is true that what we can accomplish together is far greater than what can do on our own. however, the skills and qualities of the individuals who make up the sum, greatly impacts the effectiveness of what they can achieve together. it is with this intention, that…
Rusia MohiuddinJune 20, 2014
Lucia Gomez-Jimenez + #30DaysUP

I admit that I enjoy and actually look for a good challenge. I thrive in challenging environments. I make the best of a given situation and feel comfortable assessing and navigating rough waters. Therefore when I saw Universal Partnership's #30daysUP meditation challenge, I thought - why not?…
Lucia GomezJune 10, 2014
regarding oneness

For over a decade, the use of the word transformation has become more and more prevalent in our movements’ work. Whatever the varying definitions of what transformation means, essentially we use it as an indicator for our desire to bring the present toward something more just and…
Rusia MohiuddinMay 22, 2014
Day 30 of #30DaysUP: wax on, wax off

for those who have kicked it with a sit every day from giddy up, this is day 30. so sweet. how do you feel? what leadership superpowers surfaced for you? drop a comment + share with us how you did. if you are still at it, that,…
Rusia MohiuddinMay 6, 2014
mind the gap snapshot video

You've been waiting for it... You've been aching for it... Your leadership has been thirsting for it... and now, yes NOW, it's here in all its splendor and glory! MIND THE GAP snapshot video is here to virtually teach you how to meditate, just in time for…
Rusia MohiuddinMay 1, 2014
jadu mia: magic man

Yesterday marked the 35th death anniversary of the founding father of the Bangladeshi independence struggle, Mashiur Rahman "Jadu Miah", my maternal grandfather. The people are the source of all power. Today, our movements understand & have experienced the kind of power ordinary citizens across the globe can…
Rusia MohiuddinMay 1, 2014
Day 15 of #30DaysUP: all is lost

we are officially on the other half of our 30-day challenge. fifteen days into cultivating our leadership superpowers. two weeks from changing ourselves + our world from, at minimum, 75 minutes of accumulated meditation. so simple, so incredible. this is your work. this is the work of…
Rusia MohiuddinApril 21, 2014
map of the human heart: #uwd style
We often talk about working towards a liberated society. That we are organizing for a just & equitable world. But when do we stop, join in community & collectivity define & envision what these phrases mean to us in the context of the work we do? When…
Rusia MohiuddinApril 19, 2014
where in the world are you?

#30DaysUP is UP & running with 57 people across the country participating in our 30-Day meditation challenge. Surely, people are feeling & flexing their superpowers by now! I want to ask each of you to take a quick moment to leave a comment on this post, indicating…
Rusia MohiuddinApril 18, 2014
t-minus 1 day… are you ready for #30DaysUP?!
are you ready to get your sit on? cultivate those leadership superpowers? we are just one day away from #30DaysUP meditation challenge! with 55 folks across the country signed up to participate, we wanted to drop some quick info on the container we will create to keep…
Rusia MohiuddinApril 6, 2014
this right here… mind the gap #30DaysUP
You've been waiting for it... You've been aching for it... Your leadership has been thirsting for it... and now, yes NOW, it's here in all its splendor and glory! MIND THE GAP snapshot video is here to virtually teach you how to meditate, just in time for…
Rusia MohiuddinApril 4, 2014
more goodness avails for #30DaysUP

Yup, this is Rev. angel Kyodo williams. Many, MANY of us in NY who practice meditation and mindfulness learned how to do so from this brilliant & inspiring woman, yours truly included. angel is onboard to narrate the UPcoming snapshot video on meditation called, "mind the gap."…
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 26, 2014
#30DaysUP… is coming on 4-7-14!

Online Ticketing for #30DaysUP 30-day Meditation Challenge powered by Eventbrite
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 20, 2014
DayOne Wants You To Have Superpowers!
We're going BIG for #30DaysUP! DayOne app by Bloom has graciously offered their app for FREE to support Universal Partnership's 30-day meditation challenge! We are so excited! DayOne is a journaling app that I use exclusively for tracking my daily practices. It's all sorts of AWESOME! So what…
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 18, 2014
Jadu Miah: Magic Man

Yesterday marked the 35th death anniversary of the founding father of the Bangladeshi independence struggle, Mashiur Rahman "Jadu Miah", my maternal grandfather. The people are the source of all power. Today, our movements understand & have experienced the kind of power ordinary citizens across the globe can…
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 13, 2014
it’s coming… #30DaysUP

Universal Partnership is in the finishing stages of our next snapshot video, mind the gap, a guide to meditation for social change agents. We will kick off #30DaysUP, a meditation challenge, for everyone who wishes to get their superpowers on! We give you the tool & the…
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 11, 2014

got superpowers? interested in UP-ing your leadership impact? UP's "mind the gap" video snapshot is on the horizon for release and with it we are bringing the #30DaysUP mediation challenge. It's simple, watch the video, learn how & why meditation can increase your leadership qualities for greater…
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 8, 2014
Staff Development with MRNY Long Island
In Brentwood, NY, resides the Long Island office of Make the Road NY. With over three years of organizing under their belt, the staff leading the work are ready to take their relationships and impact to the next level. Using Universal Partnership's flagship exercise, "Building the Core" as a…
Rusia MohiuddinFebruary 28, 2014
Natalia Aristizabal On UP
Natalia is one of ten people who have worked with Rusia for over a decade. Natalia is a Senior Youth Organizer at Make the Road NY & the Secretary on the United We Dream Board. Natalia's leadership, through support & trainings, can be described as a true…
Rusia MohiuddinFebruary 23, 2014
500 Dreamers Centering In Action!
What does it mean for 500 Dreamers to kick off Day 2 of the 5th Annual United We Dream National Congress from a grounded & centered place? What does it mean for us to invoke & harness our individual power for the sake of banding our collective…
Rusia MohiuddinFebruary 22, 2014
5th Annual UWD National Congress
Gearing up to join 500 Dreamers in Phoenix, Arizona for United We Dream's 5th Annual Congress!
Rusia MohiuddinFebruary 21, 2014
UP’s Building the Core

Rusia Mohiuddin, Principle at Universal Partnership, has innovated a methodology for embodied leadership that invites participants to explore what values & principles are in their individual, organizational & community's "core". This understanding can lead the way to cultivating the kind of leadership necessary for their social change…
Rusia MohiuddinSeptember 11, 2013
In DC with United We Dream
This Thursday kicks off a 4-month coaching consultancy with the senior staff leadership of United We Dream. UP will begin the daylong trip to DC with some executive coaching followed up with group coaching with the Policy Team!
Rusia MohiuddinSeptember 10, 2013