- Urban Youth Collaborative: Interim Director Search
- M2’s Embodied Leadership Summit
- Art Is Effortlessly Political
the world is at the feet of the mother
honouring & continuing a lifetime of service Our beloved mother, Monsura “Mukti” Mohiuddin was the eldest daughter of Sabera Rahman & the father of the Bangladeshi Independence Movement, Mashiur “Jadu Miah” Rahman. Her name Mukti means liberation in Bengali. She was a former Member of Parliament who served & fought for poor people both as a…
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 9, 2022
the embody lab
the embodied social justice 60 hr certification program “Without inner change there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.” — REV ANGEL KYODO WILLIAMS Are you ready to herald the awakening of a world ripe to respond to the social justice issues of…
Rusia MohiuddinMarch 9, 2022
a year ago today…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJmYyidyCaU Jahajee Sisters: This plenary is from our 2020 Indo-Caribbean Women’s Empowerment Summit, "Building Our Future: Love & Solidarity as the Pathway to Justice" and took place on November 21, 2020. Justice in this Political Moment
Rusia MohiuddinOctober 22, 2021
Dignity & Self-Care
Rusia MohiuddinSeptember 4, 2021
come as you are
A good organizer knows that the fundamentals of base building teaches and guides us to recognize and understand we need all sorts of folks to participate in the change process. Successful organizing needs both the community member who comes to every meeting and takes leadership roles and the…
Rusia MohiuddinNovember 13, 2020
a cataclysm of love
Humanity needs a mantra. One that we can chant together, that reverberates across the chambers of power in this country and the world. The collective sound of our love and truth that drives out white supremacy from our society, replacing it with the deep knowing that we…
Rusia MohiuddinNovember 7, 2018
strategies for self-care
let there be no more doubt… the white supremacy agenda is in full effect, out in the open, and in our faces. what we all need to recognize is that there are #NoSidelines. while our work seeks to uplift and change the material conditions for ourselves and…
deltaSeptember 5, 2017
meditation is life
Meditation. It’s been like getting to know an old friend who I haven’t seen in awhile. My mind, my body, my spirit, I find sometimes wishes that it was all I did do most days. Alas, like all things, I simply settle for carving out increasing increments…
deltaJune 15, 2017
what is human nature? by simone devi-jhingoor Human nature as I understand it is this conscious and unconscious need to operate from a place of ego. According to Eckhart Tolle, “ego is a false sense of self”. It is who we think we are: the story and narratives…
simone deviApril 27, 2017