FEBRUARY 27th-MARCH 1st, 2015
deepen your self-knowledge + unleash your true leadership potential
no matter who we are, + what we do, our leadership presence + style is deeply shaped by our environment + our contexts. Our soma, (so-mah: the body in its living wholeness) comprising of our biology, socio-economic status, histories, political environment, psychological + spiritual landscapes determine + influence who we are + how we show up in the world. It is by deeply understanding our soma + somatic shape that we can identify what holds us back + help us leap into + live through our true leadership potential.
the Oppression in the Soma Retreat uses a somatic lens to un-layer, unpack + reveal the many ways oppression limits our ability to align our leadership with the values + principles that drive our work. By awakening deep understanding, this training enables individuals to generate new pathways towards a wholesome + complete shape that can hold our true individual + collective leadership potential.
somatics is a methodology that combines the biological + social sciences to provide a framework for analysis + action. at its core, somatics posits interconnection + balance of mind, body, + mood.
the use of somatics in leadership, begins by examining unconscious practiced behaviors, established by our interactions with family, community, + society throughout our lives, that blocks us from taking empowered action on our own behalf + ultimately aligning our behavior with our values + principles. it continues by establishing physical, emotional, + mental practices that shake up + shed these binds.
this retreat is open to anyone interested in deepening self-knowledge + tapping into their full leadership potential. it is particularly useful for those who view + navigate in the world through a socio-political lens including; community organizers, advocates, activists, yoga practitioners, coaches, healers + more.
for a limited period of time, we are offering an EARLY BIRD SPECIAL for $647 per individual.
once this special expires, the regular tuition fee will be $689.
here’s what you will get…
* room+ board at garrison institute
* participant fee for retreat
* jo: a japanese aikido staff for practice (you get to keep this)
when + where
February 27th – March 1st, 2015
Garrison Institute
14 Mary’s Way, Route 9D
Garrison,, NY 10524 (845) 424-4800
At Universal Partnership, we honor each individual’s commitment to personal transformation, + recognize that this work can be at once challenging + healing. Through this retreat, we at Universal Partnership do our best to ensure a comfortable, safe + spacious environment through which each individual can learn, challenge + take care of themselves at their own pace. Join us!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Sethu, out fabulous retreat coordinator, at sethu@universalpartnership.org
facilitators + staff
Rusia N. Mohiuddin, the Principle of Universal Partnership, is a leadership trainer & certified somatic coach, who pioneered the integration of somatics into an organizing framework. Her current mission, through Universal Partnership, has been developing a holistic model for social justice change work that places in its center the necessary transformation of social change agents. Rusia brings a unique style to creating pathways for individuals to bring their best selves forward when enacting social change in their organizations & communities. Learn more about Rusia + UP…
Called “the most vocal and most intriguing African-American Buddhist in America,” by Library Journal, Rev. angel Kyodo williams Sensei, is an author, maverick spiritual teacher and master trainer and founder of Center for Transformative Change. She has been bridging the worlds of personal transformation and justice since the publication of her critically-acclaimed book, Being Black: Zen and the Art of Living With Fearlessness and Grace. Her book was hailed as “an act of love” by Pulitzer Prize winner Alice Walker and “a classic” by Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield. Ordained as a Zen priest, she recently became the second black woman recognized as a Zen teacher.
angel is an early shaper and leading voice for Transformative Social Change, and coined the name for the field. She has developed comprehensive systems for illuminating both practical personal change and the profoundly liberating potential of mindfulness, yoga, and somatic practices coupled with wisdom teachings. Both fierce and grounded, angel is known for her unflinching willingness to sit with and speak uncomfortable truths with love. She notes, “Love and justice are not two. Without inner change, there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.” Whether in writing, teaching or speaking, her voice is unique. Learn more about angel…
Sethu Nair is a synergist who combines her experiences and knack in communications, relationship building + understanding conflict in her work as Communications Strategist, Mediator + Writer.