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we need each other. to center. to ground. to prepare for what is ahead for us & our communities.

we will need leadership precision for this political period.

we will need to fortify and then fortify again and again.

Individual & Collective Practice. Together.

January 20th, 2025 will mark a dark period in our political history, promising to deeply erode our deepest values towards justice, equity, and collective liberation. Now, more than ever, movement agents must prepare—not just to resist, but to sustain their leadership, clarity, and resilience amidst intensifying challenges. The #30DaysUP program offers an essential container for grounding, strategic reflection, and embodied practice, empowering participants to face this pivotal moment with courage, connection, and purpose.

Together, we can fortify ourselves to be the most grounded and centered we can be. Individually and collectively.

New Set Up. Same Powerful Results.

Virtual Collective Practice & Discussion
Every Saturday:
9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST

Weekly Emails to Inspire & Guide Your Progression
Every Friday

Bi-monthly 1:1 Coaching
Optional Embodied Coaching Available


Topics & Descriptions

Friday, Jan 17th @ 6:00pm (EST)
Saturday, Jan 25th @ 12:00pm EST
Saturday, Feb 1st @ 12:00pm EST
Saturday, Feb 8th @ 12:00pm EST
Saturday, Feb 15th @ 12:00pm EST
Saturday, Feb 22nd @ 12:00pm EST
Saturday, Mar 1st @ 12:00pm EST
Saturday, Mar 8th @ 12:00pm EST
Saturday, Mar 15th @ 12:00pm EST
Saturday, Mar 22nd @ 12:00pm EST
Saturday, Mar 29th @ 12:00pm EST

what if i told you that changing you IS changing the world?

an invitation to learn to increase our awareness & focus by presencing ourselves to allow us to disrupt & shed old, embodied habits that have no place for the new world that’s is still unfolding.

cultivating the power to presence ourselves now will prepare us for whatever lies ahead as well as allowing us to remain in the moment without the overwhelm of the past and/or the future.

a virtual sangha that lets you get your sit on, in community, exactly where you are.
it’s as right as rain.


are you ready to learn to presence yourself in 60 days?

BEGINS Friday, January 17th, 2025


what you get


video tutorial on how to meditate using a methodology created by rusia n. mohiuddin and narrated by Rev. angel Kyodo williams.


weekly emails that will that will support you, answer questions, and guide you through building a sustainable practice.

collective power

a private community for you to share your thoughts + questions + get support!


a formal check-in for all participants to share + get support via a group webinar.

embodied coaching

optional1:1 bi-monthly coaching sessions with your very own coach


how the challenge works

1 + 1 = 2

the change process this challenge will catalyze is two-fold:


cultivating self-awareness will sharpen your focus, level your mood, + allow you to more accurately see what is, as it is happening. this is essential to powerful + impactful leadership that motivates + inspires others.


beginning to understand our own emotions + how we can cultivate self-compassion, will intentionally shape your leadership + your interactions with authentic compassion for self + others.


like most things, there are many layers to these main takeaways. Lucia Gomez-Jimenez + Jaritza Geigel wrote about these many layers after participating in #30DaysUp.



nothing. we want it to be about choice not absolutes. 🙂

bare bones, we want you to chose to complete 30 consecutive days of meditation in 60 days. this means, you can start on day 1 of the challenge, do 7 days of meditation, perhaps miss a day or two, + still have time to start over at 1 + be able to complete 30 straight days of meditation before the challenge ends.


essentially, there is one thing you will want to do to successfully complete the challenge… meditate at least 5 minutes every day for 30 consecutive days.

pretty easy, huh?

you can also chose to the following things, as well, that will dramatically enhance + solidify your practice towards embodying your new superpowers:

  • journal every day to log your progress + the many things that come up for you from day to day. since this challenge has a theme of growing happiness from our suffering, journaling your thoughts + experiences will be a healthy + healing way to progress throughout the 60 days.
  • share your progress with the #30DaysUP community or your own community. this is a great way to stay motivated + motivate others. inspiration is a big part of this work, both for you + for others. last round, many folks used the DayOne app publishing feature to post to twitter + facebook to share their progress + inspire many to join or renew their own meditation practice. it was quite the mini revolution!
  • invite others to sit with you! sharing is caring + sitting with others is something rather beautiful.

that’s cool. email us directly at

share your thoughts.
share your questions?
share your hopes + hesitancies.

we’re ready to sit with you to get your superpowers on!

how do you sit?



what's your in between? what feels right to you in the context of where you are right now? choose your own tuition that's the right investment for you.


paypal directJoin Now


get you & someone (or two) else because you're able to pay it forward & create some balance & equity



you know you… you want extra support to ensure you really unpack all that comes up and out of your practice. you want your own coach, who will support and guide you towards a sustainable practice. in addition to the Silver level benefits, you will be connected to a coach to support you in your practice, change process, + developing presencing practices. this can be an invaluable resource that offers 4 coaching sessions ($350+ savings), at less than $2.00 per day.



nice and simple. you’re ready to be self-accountable and self-motivating in keeping to your daily practice. gain access to weekly guiding + instructional emails, weekly community practice webinar, & access to our private support group to share daily practice learnings + progress for a under a dollar per day.



can’t afford to pay and want to participate? we got you! access weekly emails & the private facebook community


email requestJoin Now

#30DaysUP: supplemental journaling practice