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Leadership Dev.MEDIATestimonials
ypp: the sum of us is courage personified
ypp: the sum of us is courage personified
Rusia MohiuddinJune 20, 2014
Leadership Dev.Org. Development
5th Annual UWD National Congress
5th Annual UWD National Congress
Rusia MohiuddinFebruary 21, 2014
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Rusia N. Mohiuddin, based in New York, is a trainer, facilitator, & somatic coach who pioneered the integration of somatics into an organizing framework. Her current mission, through UP, has been developing a holistic model for social justice change work that places in its center the necessary transformation of social change agents. Rusia brings a unique style to creating pathways for individuals to bring their best selves forward when enacting social change in their organizations & communities. She believes that changing you IS changing the world.