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a cataclysm of love

We need our collective love to be so intense that every growth burst of that love, every iteration of it, destroys the social and economic constructs that divides us.


universal partnership

at the heart of sustainable movements
must be the beat of sustainable people


surviving + thriving

strategies for self-care guide


thought leaders

instigating authentic ways to transform our wholeselves

practicing justice

what's in your body that's holding you back?



a virtual sangha to power inner change


leaders of embodied organizing

somatics + organizing = embodied organizers
cultivating skills + leadership on the frontlines



highlighting our work through storytelling


at the core of our work at Universal Partnership (UP) is the deep belief that at the heart of sustainable movements must be the beat of sustainable people. our mission is to provide innovative self-healing tools, life + leadership skills to support agents of change in sustaining their humanity, + the humanity of the communities they serve, by organizing from a place of wholeness.

change agents reached
movement change maker
practitioner + teacher

UP | focus areas

what we love to do, most of all

strategic planning

UP has innovated a unique methodology for developing strategic plans that simultaneously attends to both short- + long-term goals using a somatic lens.

trainings (single or multi-day)

training imparts the analytical structure of somatics + embodied organizing, + teaches specific skills in each of our focus areas.


2-4 days retreats provide an uninterrupted environment that results in far more advancement than the equivalent time in episodic training.

leadership development

UP’s work emphasizes personal leadership skills as the foundation for sustainability + effectiveness.

organizational development

the overarching goal of UP’s work is to reshape organizational culture to prioritize wellness + dignity towards high efficiency + external impact.

embodied coaching™

UP engages the whole agency in every focus area + on every level using the embodied coaching™, a coaching methodology created by UP’s Principal Rusia Mohiuddin, (individual, staff-wide, executive, + the board).

shaun lincivil rights organizer @ picture the homeless

"i decided to participate in 3|One because i needed to re-center my life. a whirlwind of personal + professional change had knocked me off balance + left me disconnected from my sense of power. thanks to 3|One, i am ready to face the world in my full power - grounded with integrity + extended with dignity."

earl skinneryouth programs coordinator @ the point

"thanks for making this happen. it was a game-changing workshop."

carlos amadorformer board member @ united we dream

"rusia, you are a blessing in my life. i am so grateful that your wisdom came across my pathway. thanks for this + all the wisdom-sharing you have invested is us, me."

claudia horwitzInterim Executive Director @ Rothko Chapel

"thank you Rusia for doing what you do so well – putting out the truth with a fierce love. this has gotten me thinking about how much we have “othered” in ways that are so destructive + sad, + remembering that we have another option."

danny peraltadirector of arts + education @ the point

"i'm sure we all agree that the challenges ahead of us now seem less daunting since we have a better understanding of who we are as organizers, point staff, + individuals."

UP| partners

our strongest + deepest partnerships

Rev. angel Kyodo williams

partner + #OIS facilitator: angel is a leading voice for Transformative Social Change, + coined the name for the field. angel is the co-lead for the Oppression In Soma retreats + UP works with angel + cxc on NY-based 3|One + Practicing Justice.

ian a. dudley

videographer + photographer: ian is an experienced, award winning cinematographer. with 18+ years of experience, ian approaches each project with a unique creative perspective that bridges the technical with the aesthetic.


the watershed center

twc is a retreat + resource center for changemakers. teh center offers space to help people align their lives with their own deepest sense of purpose + to facilitate strategic conversations in service of democracy, ecology + liberation.